Reason behind you. One Day it happend.

Yes. nice question.
Sorry for delay. I was in seminar about  Marketing and sales for start-ups at HCU.  even my Mobile has been switched off due to high usage with battery consumption.  I am very sorry. 

There are so many girls around me but I am unable to think.  My thoughts and feelings are always being on you.  
I can't say the reasons for Why I'm loving you. Why because I don't have any reason. There will be no reason for you.  Even I don't know Farha. I was started following when I saw you First time. From there onwards still it's Continuing...

I don't have a particular reason behind you. Just when I saw you  First time....
That minute, that second,  that moment.  I was felt on love. I don't know.  Why it is.  That is the First time when thinks about a girl.  That is true. 2💯%.   You may believe or not I don't know.  I don't have commications with any girl till you saw.  That the communication means speaking about school subject. That is only hardy 5-8 times from entire schooling and intermediate.. 

I was always with Boys to play.  Even I am not interested about them.  Because I don't know Farha how to talk with girls but I know how to behave with them and how to respect them.  

You are my first crush.  I never thought anyone on that place and I can't. I can't replace you by someone. 

You won't believe which I am saying.  
I always thinks about you. Like what is she doing now.  How was she....  Is she happy or not....  Is she fine or not at this time.  Even raineed season.....  How she is going to somewhere,  we have a huge Raine in Hyderabad.... How is her health.  Is she going to work...... Then how is she going ... What will happen if the rain is falling in between your journey.  What is the solution for that.  I came to bowenpally bus stop to see you in huge Rain. I seriously Feared in Raine moments.   What is she doing at this time,  second.... Is she watching TV,  or she Eating some food.....  Like.. 
Just these are the samples.  So many times I tried to call you.  But once I m calling before I thinks about your security.  Are you with your family, are you  in class room... .

One thing I want to say you.  Don't please misunderstand me..  You are not a product or service to say reasons for purchase and reasons for ignoring. 

I am not looking for benefits of you I am looking for your love. 

Even my MBA college days. There are so many girls in my college. But never tried to another girl.  I always strongly believe that one crush,  one love,  one girl , one shadi.  I strongly believe this.  

I am loving you. I'm not spreading my love. I said you one day.  I don't want so many girls.  Just I want you. I am loving you.  

If you want to have a Kohinoor Diamond. Your thoughts always on that Kohinoor.  

Even me too.. you are my heart,  you are my Kohinoor,  you are my success, you are my sunshine. You are my everything. 
You are my thoughts. 
My thoughts are always on you. So I can't see another girl. 

I can't say The reason you are a beautiful. Obviously you are beautiful and awesome.  But that is won't be a reason. your eyes are marvellous.  even this is also not a reason. 

So many times my friends asked same question like you.   Why you are waiting for her from past 4years...  Just I answered as  I am loving her and I can't say the reasons...

love you more and forever....ဿ


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